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Text písně:
Why, tell me why, I’ve lost my mind Why do I try make you mine I’ve been a clown, you’ve played your part Then I fell down, broke my heart Darling be mine, don’t you hear Now’s the time, are you crying? Please be just mine, I’ll be proud Life will be fine, say it loud And I’ll try to be near As near as I can And I’ll stay here like your man Darling be mine, don’t you hear Now’s the time, are you crying? Darling be mine, don’t you hear Now’s the time, are you crying? My through the girls I have known I’ll hold this love of my own And I’ll try to be near As near as I can But you’re sixteen, I’m just ten Darling be mine, don’t you hear Now’s the time, are you crying? Sweetheart, stop crying Will you stop crying Oh, please stop crying (!)
? Speciální znaky: *tučně*
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