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Now when the night is everywhere The candle is burning on the table I touch the long veil of your hair And all the world is yours and mine Let’s close our eyes while we’re able Our silent moments are so fine If’s there’s a lovelight in your eyes I’ve got to see it through the flowers I pick them all and they look nice Just like the smile upon your face So let’s stop counting the hours Our are moments full of grace There’s no you Our passing time is flying out til there’s none There’s no me Our silent moments we will find now Will the wine Two empty glasses standing there Reveal the sadness of the morning We try to keep yesterday’s air Before it slips out of our door One day we’ll come back and join Our silent moments, nothing more There’s no you Our passing time is flying out til there’s none There’s no me Our silent moments we will find now Will the wine One day we’ll come back and join Our silent moments, nothing more (!)
? Speciální znaky: *tučně*
Přispěvatel: Můžete uvést svoje jméno nebo přezdívku
Napište prosím číslicemi: dvě nula tři (!)
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