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Up in the mornin’ out on the job Work like the devil for my pay But lucky old sun has nothin’ to do But roll around heaven all day I fuss with my woman, but a toil for my kid Sweat till I’m wrinkled and gray But lucky old sun has nothin’ to do But roll around heaven all day Good lord above, can’t you know I’m pining Tears are in my eyes Send down me a cloud with a silver lining Lift me to paradise Show me that river, but take me across Wash all my troubles away Like that lucky old sun Has nothing to do Roll around heaven all day Up in the mornin’ out on the job Work like the devil for my pay But lucky old sun give me nothin’ to do But roll roll roll roll yes lord roll around heaven all day I fuss with my woman, but a toil for my kid Sweat till I’m wrinkled and gray But lucky old sun give me nothin’ to do But roll roll roll roll yes lord Roll around heaven all day Good lord above, can’t you know I’m pining Tears are in my eyes Send down me a cloud with a silver lining Lift me to paradise Show me that river, but take me across And wash all my troubles away But that lucky old sun Give me nothing to do But roll around heaven all day (!)
? Speciální znaky: *tučně*
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