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Jezebel If ever a devil was born Without a pair of horns it was you Jezebel it was you If ever an angel fell Jezebel it was you Jezebel it was you If ever a pair of eyes promised paradise Decieving me, grieving me, leaving me blue Jezebel it was you If ever a devil’s plan was made to torment man It was you Jezebel it was you It would be better that I never know A lover such as you Forsaking dreams and all For the siren call of your arms Like a demond love possessed me You obsessed me constantly What evil star is mine That my fate’s design should be Jezebel? If ever a pair of eyes promised paradise Decieving me, grieving me, leaving me blue Jezebel it was you If ever the devil’s plan was made to torment man It was you Night and day everyday Jezebel, Jezebel, Jezebel (!)
? Speciální znaky: *tučně*
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