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Jeremiah was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine I never understood a single word he said But I helped him a-drink his wine And he always had some mighty fine wine Oh, joy to the world All the boys and girls now Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Ah, joy to you and me If I were the king of the world Tell you what I’d do I’d throw away the cars and the bars and the wars Make sweet love to you Oh, joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me You know I love the ladies Love to have my fun I’m a high life flyer and a rainbow’s rider A straight shootin’ son-of-a-gun Ye, I said a straight shootin’ son-of-a-gun Oh, joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me And give me one more Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me Joy to the world Joy to the world Joy to the world Joy to the world Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the world Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me And give me one more Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me (!)
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