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Text písně:
Follow me, come to my wonderland Don’t ask me why and be my friend And you will se there is a place in the sun For you and maybe everyone Follow me, come to my wonderland So follow me and take my hand And you will see there is a one dethrone world You can feel then free just like a bird One raindrop doesn’t only make the rain But thousand raindrops are the sea Let all the people wanna do the same Forget the times that used to be Follow me, we come to my wonderland Don’t ask me why and be my friend And you will se there is a place in the sun For you and maybe everyone One flower doesn’t only make the spring But thousand flowers bring the peace When all the people wanna do the same A storm turns quickly to a breeze Follow me, we come to my wonderland Don’t ask me why and be my friend And you will see there is a one dethrone world You can feel then free just like a bird And you will se there is a place in the sun For you and maybe everyone And you will se there is a place in the sun For you and maybe everyone (!)
? Speciální znaky: *tučně*
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Napište prosím číslicemi: osm sedm tři (!)
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